mur.sat @ Grazer Linuxtage

The mur.sat project will be presented at the Linuxday Graz ( This is a perfect opportunity to meet the people behind mur.sat as well as to find out the details about the project. We ar looking forward to meet you there.

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Solar PCB’s solderd

Beginning with the solar panels we started the manufacturing process of our satellite. We choose these PCB’s because they are the most difficult to solder and we need to know how much power we will be able  pull out of the panels to continue with the rest of the satellites electronics design.

Some weeks ago we decided to buy a reflow oven ( which made the process actually quite simple. I decided to make a small workshop showing interested people how our new reflow oven works. You may watch the videos (german) we made while working on the panels.

The next step is to assemble the boards and experiment with them. The results of the experiments will show us which constraints in terms of electric power we wil have.

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Comm system considerations

Comm Link

In our kick-off meeting we identified two layers in our communication system with the satellite:

  1. physical layer
  2. protocol layer

The first layer is a physical and link layer, the coding and modulation and accordingly the demodulation and decoding. The link should be in both directions, with

  • telemetry downlink,
  • data downlink,
  • command uplink and
  • data uplink.

Easiest and most important is the telemetry downlink, a ‘beacon‘, to know that the satellite is alive and to be able to read the most important paramters. Second, a command uplink should allow us to shut the satellite down, reboot it, switch different comm or operation modes. This two links provide our basic communication to fully run the satellite. Third is the data downlink. We want the payload to tell us new things. With only telemetry and data downlink we would be satisfied The third, least important is the data uplink. Maybe we want to upload new data to transmit or to feed to our payload.


The second layer is a protocol, that establishes a virtual channel between the satellite and the control center in Graz. This protocol should involve everything needed to collect all received transmissions from the satellite and to send transmissions to the satellite. This will likely include software for distribution to decode the transmissions, and to send it to the control center, like with mail or a direct connection to some collecting server.


Talking to the satellite is no trivial thing. A lot of factors and parameters have to be considered: Frequency range, bandwidth of the signal, desired bitrate, reliability, available processing power, available electric power, size and weight, available equipment for transmission and reception, targeted audience, analog or digital signals, fading, antenna design, costs, interfaces. We are sure that we missed some more.

Electric power

For mur.sat, we have a very stringent power regime. The solar cells are expected after a quick calculation to provide not more than 600mW. We will test that and calculate the average and maximum power available. Some power will be needed for the IHU (internal house-holding unit), some for the payloads. Given that the comm system is running in parallel with other systems, not more than 100mW can be spent on communications, be it receiving or transmitting. This gives an order of magnitude for the electric power constraint.


The Tubesats are designed with a dipole antenna with a length of up to approximately 30cm. That would be resonant in the range of 500MHz upwards without tuning network. The satellite will be unpredictable tumbling, which will cause through rotation of polarisation and orientation of the antenna – the dipole is not radiating in the direction of the rods, and be covered by the satellite body. Fading caused by rotation of the polarisation can by compensated by turning of the receiving antenna in case of a handheld transceivers, or with a circular polarized antenna. The circular polarized antenna will receive linear polarized signals of any rotational angle, with a constant loss of 3dB in signal strength.

More on this in one of the next post. Stay tuned.

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Technical Kick-Off Event on 11.1.2011

Last Tuesday the technical development of the mur.sat began with an kick-off meeting. The goal of the meeting was to define workpackages and, in order to  satisfy rule 37 of Akin’s Laws of Spacecraft Design, find workpackage leaders.

After a brief introduction to the people involved and the project itself we made ourselves familiar with the basic design goals we want to meet and which constraints we have. For now we split the project into the following workpackages:

  • Testenvironment – test equipment and scenarios
    Team: Ernesto Rico-Schmidt (leader), Takashi Linzbichler
  • Satellite Base Infrastracture – powermanagement, mechanical design, thermal design
    Team: Christain Pointner (leader), Bernhard Tittelbach, Takashi Linzbichler
  • Communication
    • radio (satellite – groundstations) – layer 1-2, link budget, antenna design, modulation, etc.
      Team: Patrick Strasser (leader), Bernhard Tittelbach
    • Logical Protocol – higher layers of communication (satellite – space center)
      Team: Bernhard Tittelbach (leader), Erik Unger, Patrick Strasser, Christian Pointner
  • Satellite OS – Basic Operating System, Interface to payload applications
    Team: Takashi Linzbichler (leader), Christoph Holas, Bernhard Tittelbach, Christian Pointner
  • Balloon – legal issues and planing of a balloon launch for testing the hardware
    Team: Christoph Holas (leader), Reni Hofmüller
  • Weblog – blog about new and intresting stuff
    Team: Christain Pointner (leader), all other package leaders

Thats it for now. We surely will have some more packages in the future but this list should be enough to get started. We are also looking for people who are interested in the project and would like to be part of the team. Just write an e-mail to if you are interested.

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Welcome to the mur.sat weblog

In order to document the progress of the project mur.sat we decided to start this blog. There will be at least one post every week delivering information updates to those who are interested. On behalf of the mur.sat project team i would like to welcome you aboard and wish you (and us) a pleasant flight.

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