Tonight, 13th of October, recordings of the Sonification Concert from Sunday 9th of October, will be broadcast on Ö1 (ORF) from 11pm on, in Zeitton, moderated by Susanna Niedermayr.
It is amazing to realize how much we have already learned about our surrounding world out there.
For the noon concert in musikprotokoll I gave introductions to the 4 pieces presented. I felt it was needed to build a bridge for those in the audience who had not been reading about and researching in dept about satellites, just as we artists had done.
We presented 4 pieces, starting with “Satellitenkonzert” (satellite concert) by Jogi Hofmüller. The calculations of realtime positions of some selected satellites trigger the sound environment; elevation, Doppler shift, velocity – these types of data are used.
Jogi selected one satellite that would really fly over Graz during the time of the performance.
The realtime sonification was also realized as visualization, seeing the satellites as little dots moving over the surface of the earth.
The second piece was “Windsong“, combining satellite research with our time-perception-work from Time Inventors’ Kabinet. The basic sound was a recording from a NOAA-satellite. NOAAs are weather satellites that constantly scan the surface of the world, and send their echos to the surface. I intervened in the velocity of the playback of the recording by changing it through wind time.
The third piece is “Raumsonde Venus Wega” by Peter Venus and Marian Weger. They combined video and audio, using satellite sounds, and the current position of the ISS (International Space Station) and a video recording of the ISS itself.
The two earthlings tell about their imaginary travels through star winds and dwarf galaxies.
The 4th composition is “Frozen Wind Kabinet” by Norbert Math.
In this piece he generates a drone. This basic sound gets modulated by intensity of wind.