In the second round with the maizena-mix (cornflower and water), we had even more fun.
Currently we are developing a method how to represent the pass of a satellite on moving surfaces of this liquid. See our first version of the non-newtonian-mursat-tracker!
And later on some visitors, people interested in the mursat project, came to visit, maybe to join in for the May/June 2012 exhibition here at ESC.
During the evening, more people showed up and we could use the chance to explain about our working processes and ideas.
First, we looked into solar panel testing. This is necesary to choose the correct resistance level 🙂
As we work in the evening, we need to “cue the sun”, and then of course we get blinded by the light.
And the amazing piezo-duo Christian and Hannes have already designed a 5khz soundcard working with only some microwatts of power!
The sound card will be working on 8khz, but for now the tests run on 5khz.